Pintar: con esta palabra puede resumirse la biografía de Contreras Canalizo, artista autodidacta cuyo contacto con la naturaleza ha resultado la mejor escuela en la cual este creador se dedica cotidianamente, sin interrupción y sin reglas o cánones impuestos, a la observación de la luz y a sensibilizar valores, experiencia de la cual deriva la original estructura de sus formas, armonía rimada en su pintura con la atmósfera y la luz - México - que hacen el arte de nuestro país único en su genero.
Desde sus primeras obras, la practica continua de observación y deleite, le confirió a su pintura un color rico, recio y formas vigorosas, es decir una calidad fuertemente expresionista más no exenta de finura impresionista. Descubre rincones y detalles nunca antes percibidos, excitando con ellos las emociones
Historiadora y Critica de Arte
“The purpose of this artist is to interpret and represent reality, not only as a sum of uncountable details that coexist and are considered separately, but as a whole optic unit inside of which no fragment or piece leaves out a shade of color.
Rafael has spent most of his 30-year, nature-loving path, improving his technique to originally and uniquely express his idea of a landscape, wonderfully gifted for reflecting light phenomena, that develop in the spectator the desire of a further exploration of nature and its magic.
Contreras Canalizo has been gifted to express in such a wonderful way everything around him. It can be a human figure, objects, nature and architecture, plants, animals and other elements in the cosmos. He sums up in the landscape art not only all his uneasiness of investigate new concepts and techniques, but also his love and respect for history and geography.
Regardless ephemeral tendencies, this artist follows a path in a poetic and flexible expression, standing out aspects of the important movements of his time, for which he has a significant and brilliant work. This allows him to innovate the landscape, giving the sensation of a new discovered world seen by the very first time.
This notion of totality represents all his work, giving it a non common sense of originality and vanguardism.
Rafael Contreras Canalizo is an artist who is close to the next modern scientist, because of his thoroughly exploration of everything he sees and his technical skills to express it. All this is mixed proportionally in a philosophical declaration.”
Historian and Art Critic
Berta Taracena. Historian and Art Critic. Member of the International Association of Art Critics. (Association Internationale des Critiques D’Arts).